EU Green Deal

EU Green Deal – No one left behind!

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Today’s life in the European Union as well as in the rest of the globe is facing serious threats.

Climate change is undoubtedly one of those issues of our contemporary which tests the ability of adapting and adjusting the standards of our society.

This concern needs to be read in the context of taking factual actions with reliable judicial and political instruments. Indeed the proof of this commitment is pointed out in the Treaty of Lisbon where the fight against climate change has been expressly included as an objective and a shared competence of the EU.

March 2020 can be considered as the break between a past unaware of the potential risks and a present time paying attention to the environment and its needs.

The EU Green Deal, as suggested by the name of the colour green indeed, is supposed to attain a higher and healthier well-being of EU citizens and future generations.

The Deal will apply in different areas of the society namely: energy, climate, agriculture, environment and oceans.

The main purpose of the Green Deal is to achieve a climate net-neutrality by the year 2050. In order to make this possible, an intermediate target is established for reducing by 2030 the net greenhouse gas emissions levels of the 1990 by at least 55%.

Climate neutrality by 2050 means achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for the EU as a whole and mainly by cutting emissions with investments in green technologies.

The European Union outlined the following objectives for attaining this purpose:
a) Setting out a long-term trajectory in order to meet climate neutrality by 2050 by means of EU targeted policies,
b) Creating a system able to monitor progresses and taking further actions if needed,
c) Ensuring that once the transition for climate neutrality is completed is also irreversible.

These actions are going to be carried out by EU institutions coupled with the solid participation of the national Member States. However, there is a way to get involved directly and give your own contribution to this issue.

Let’s get involved then!

If you are environmentally sensitive, you can make the difference by getting involved in the European Climate Pact, a project to help communities in sharing and implementing measures to fight climate change, or in the New European Bauhaus, a project that brings cultural and creative dimension to the European Green Deal.

In a nutshell, Climate change and environmental degradation are threating Europe and the world.

To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into, resource-efficient and competitive economy, through:
• no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
• economic growth decoupled from resource use
• Fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity
• renovated, energy efficient buildings
• healthy and affordable food
• more public transport
• cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation
• longer lasting products that can be repaired, recycled and re-used
• future-proof jobs and skills training for the transition
• globally competitive and resilient industry

The European Commission adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.


A European Green Deal | European Commission (


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Info Astrid Amodeo

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European citizen and Consular Agent. She has a diplomatic background and a degree in EU law. She began traveling abroad to study at the age of 14, knows seven foreign languages including Arabic and Russian, and is fluent in four of them. Committed to the EU and politics, Astrid writes for Liguria.Today and in each monthly appointment discusses a changing Europe, vast and complex but not difficult to be understood.

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